The Kimmel Foundation provides funds to organizations in Nebraska and Iowa that are exempt from tax and classified as public charities by the Internal Revenue Service, giving highest priority to proposals for funding in five areas below.
Emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches, application of new research and organizational collaboration. The Foundation supports ideas that provide leadership in a field, encourage matching grants of equal or greater size, and contribute substantially to an organization’s mission and service to its constituents.
Grants are made to qualified organizations in Nebraska and Iowa with emphasis placed on organizations located and operating within Nebraska City and Otoe County in Nebraska. Most grants are for program funding, with low priority given to general operating support. Inquiries should be made well before the beginning of a project.

What is a Foundation?
Private foundations are charitable organizations that provide grants to non-profit organizations or individuals, helping those in need or working to solve specific problems or issues. Foundations can operate locally, nationally, or internationally and have options when choosing where to contribute and what to support. Private foundations act separately of any private business and of the United States government; they receive no government support.
What is a Grant?
A grant is a financial contribution to support a cause. It can be given for a specific project or general operations. It can be awarded to an individual or to an organization. Grants must serve charitable purposes.
Who Does the Kimmel Foundation Support
The Kimmel Foundation supports proposals that contribute to an organization’s mission and service and offer leadership particularly in the areas of Education, Arts, Agriculture, Humanities and Human Services.